You’ve Been Served –US Based, Global Profitability
Orange County, CA (Orange County)
Seller Financing Available if the price and deal structure is right.
Asking Price: $1,450,000.00
Cash Flow: $ 360,520.00
Gross Revenue: $1,692,293.00
Inventory: N/A
Established: 1990
Employees: 12 (plus many 1099 Contractors)
Business Description:
Process service is the delivering of legal papers to a specific business or a person according to specific legal protocols to be followed according to state and federal laws.
The service of papers gives formal notice that a legal case is pending, or provides subpoenas that command witnesses, experts or other case-related parties notifying that an appear in court or at a deposition has been scheduled. The Company and contractors who deliver the documents have to follow very particular rules that leaves no doubt a person or organization (an appointed agent) has indeed received the documents. Since the proof of service can affect the outcome of a case, it is imperative that the work done by the Company is beyond reproach.
In support of these efforts, the Company also offer industry-adjacent services document retrieval, private investigation and translation services along with research and litigation support.
Detailed Information
No facilities. Everyone works remotely. But you’d never know.
Process Serving,, is a competitive market. Although it can be intense at times, the best way to stay ahead of others is by creative marketing. Some competitors are just bigger; but that does not mean the services provided are any better, more accurately, timely or professional. Diversification and adaptations to work with changes in the industry is imperative.
Unlike the competition, the Company provides reliable internationally service with translation capabilities, and are experts in the Uniform Interstate Depositions and Discovery Act (UIDDA.) Domestication of Subpoenas from non-UIDDA States, is a time-consuming process, that competitors don’t offer.
Growth & Expansion:
Hiring a salesperson while the continued expansion of advertising the Company’s specialties in various, targeted industry channels would spur additional growth.
TBD if structure and terms are acceptable.
Support & Training:
To ensure a smooth transition and ongoing success the Sellers will work with a buyer as needed for three months, and perhaps longer as a contractor if terms can be negotiated.
Reason for Selling:
The Sellers wants to pursue another business opportunity that would open doors to family members.