Fortune 500 & Lower Middle Market Operational IT Security Firm
San Francisco, CA (San Francisco County)
Seller Financing Available
Asking Price: Best Possible Offer
Cash Flow: $850,000
Gross Revenue: $7,700,000
FF&E: $250,000
Inventory: N/A
Established: 1994
Business Description
ProNova Partners represents a compelling Bay Area technology consultancy, with substantial recurring revenue streams from services and projects completed regularly for a diverse set of business clients. With a roster of excellent, vested, and marquis clientele the Company has grown organically over the years, withstood C19 and even developed some new offerings and evolved into a more distributed workforce and client base. The Company offers a broad range of IT, Cloud & security consulting, procurement, and deployment services through a large team of A-player engineers, disaster recovery, cloud services, systems monitoring and maintenance, and special projects as needed.
A savvy, supportive capital partner will be able to team up with the Company and deploy a marketing campaign to drive significant growth as the Company has never pursued any dedicated initiatives to drive new business, revenue growth has consistently only been from inbound referrals from existing satisfied clients. NDA is required {LINK ABOVE} to secure comprehensive Confidential Information Memorandum (CIM) crafted by ProNova Partners.
Detailed Information
Awesome facilities, leased premises
Technology service providers generally is a relatively competitive space.
Growth & Expansion:
Perfect platform play.
If the price and deal structure is right.
Support & Training:
As needed. Flexibility exists on transition dynamics and specifics per Buyer preference and the Buyer’s team & skillsets coming in.
Reason for Selling:
Primarily – pursuit of exciting business ventures the Founder has in mind to grow.